What have The Sentry Box staff been up to – Jan 20-26


We start this week’s blog with a review of the a new product from Chris, “I’ve been eagerly awaiting a restock of the Army Painter Wet Palette that was released last month, and today I finally got to try out one of my very own. My first impressions are good! While I spent a little bit of time fiddling with the exact amount of water to add, I found this quite a bit easier to get right than with either my older P3 wet palette or my attempts at a homemade one. I didn’t have any problems with the paint absorbing too much water and “blooming” out over the palette like I’ve sometimes had in the past. The paint stayed nicely wet and at the end of a two-hour session my first colours were only just past the point of usability. I don’t know if this can live up to their claim of keeping paint fresh for days or even weeks (when closed), but when using a standard palette I end up adding more water to my mix in the space of maybe five minutes so a two-hour working time is a massive improvement. It was really convenient to be able to go back and use a previous colour without having to pour and thin out more paint.”

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Let’s review the new Judge Dredd Miniatures Game with Uncle Mike

I love Judge Dredd. There, I’ve said it.

I fell in love when I was a young punk kid in the ’80s, and though my tastes have changed over the years I have never lost my love of Dredd. The characters, the world, and the writing are at once charming, hard-boiled, ridiculous, violent, prescient and loaded with black humour. Imagine my excitement when I learned of a new Judge Dredd Miniatures Game coming from Warlord Games, the folks who recently provided the world with the amazing Strontium Dog Miniatures Game (read my series of reviews here…LINKY). My hopes are high as I dig into the Judge Dredd: I Am the Law, Starter Set.

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What have The Sentry Box staff been up to – Jan 13-19


Greg played game 3 of the Clank Legacy campaign and is still thoroughly enjoying it. “Things escalated quickly in this one, with lots of clank going in the bag, and the rage track getting bumped up quickly. This meant two players got knocked out quite quickly and only one made it out completely. Lots of new story elements were unlocked though, so things are getting even more interesting!”

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What have The Sentry Box staff been up to – Jan 6-12

Greg and Renee played Sorcerer City again on Monday, this time with 6 players! Greg, “We had 6 players for this game, but even though most players were new to the game it was still pretty quick. In year 1 we had a three way tie for the influence bonus which meant all players ended up with three or four tiles from vendor 4. That really ramped things up for everybody and meant it was a very high scoring game, with a winning score of 243. I really like this game!” Renee, “It was really fun to get to play a 6 player game on Monday. The game was a bit ridiculous because of the bonus tiles handed out after the first round, but it was great to see how well it worked with additional players. A bit of a table hog at that player count, with the simultaneous play, it stayed pretty quick. The extra competition for the influence bonus made it a bit more competitive, but otherwise the game didn’t change significantly from our 4 player game on Friday. This game is just a lot of fun and its awesome that it supports 1-6 players.”

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What have The Sentry Box staff been up to – Dec 30-Jan 5

Happy New Year! We started this year off with a bang, celebrating the store’s 40 birthday. It has been awesome hearing stories from long-time customers about the impact the store has had in their lives and the Calgary gaming community. Like Gord said, “We do it because we love gaming and we still game every week.” The staff has had a particularly busy gaming week with time spent over the holidays with our friends and family. Here is a wrap up of some of the stuff we’ve been playing.

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