What have the Sentry Box Staff been up to Jan 15 – Feb 18

Hi there! Sue here with some fun updates about what the Staff has been up to for the past month. If I had to pick a theme for this month, I would say it’s Legions Imperialis. So much so that I’m giving it it’s own section! Kris and Aidan finished a bunch of Legions Imperialis this month, and additionally Kris got in some Star Wars: X-Wing and I painted up some Games Workshop and D&D models. Renee didn’t get as many board games in as usual this month, but she did manage to get in a game of Diced Veggies. Here’s what everybody had to say about their miniatures and games this month:

Miniature Painting and Games

I finished my first mini of 2024, the Warhammer 40k Genestealer Cults Magus. I absolutely love her outfit and have always wanted to paint her but finally decided on a paint scheme. I’ve seen a lot of conversions done online of this model, which I think is a testament to just how cool this space dress is! I finally decided to do her in blues and I used a thin coat of the Blue/Purple Color Shifter paint over her dress and makeup. I absolutely love the Color Shift paints as they’re shimmery and shift colors depending on which angle you’re looking at them.

Kris also managed to get 4 games of X-Wing in over the weekend, with the new points changes for Star Wars: X-Wing.

He had to reshuffle my list a little and buy another T-70 X-Wing, but it has been fun seeing everyone trying new things.

I painted a WizKids D&D pre-primed Duergar and Enlarged Duergar. One of the Duergar special abilities is that they can enlarge themselves. I think it is kind of neat that they have the same model in both regular size and enlarged. Great for players who want to play a Duergar and want an enlarged version for the occasion as well. Used a black wash thinned with Lahmian Medium over top of the skin for a more subtle effect.

I finished my Jokaero Weaponsmith. I call him Dr. Banjo. I got him back when they announced they had rules for him for Blackstone Fortress. He is one of the simplest GW models I have ever painted. I painted his fur Jokaero Orange and I painted his eyes black, and then I put Guilliman Flesh Contrast Paint over both the fur and skin. He could definitely benefit from some drybrushing. The Necromunda Rogue Doc is along for good measure. 

Spotlight on Legions Imperialis

Aidan painted some Solar Auxilia infantry bases for Legions Imperialis. He said, “these guys are super small and die super quick, so efficiency is more important than accuracy when it comes to painting!

 I started by priming and basecoating them silver on the sprue, then filled in the green on the shoulders before giving them a Nuln Oil wash. For the bases, a basecoat of Dark Reaper, followed by a Drakenhof Nightshade wash and a quick drybrush of Thunderhawk Blue was all it took. Then it was just a matter of clipping out the tiny mans (without losing them!) and gluing them onto the bases.”

And Kris got a tonne of Legions Imperialis stuff painted and got some games in. Here’s what he had to say about it:

I got 3 turns of a learning game of Legions Imperialis done.

We were taking it slow and still got a few things wrong, but both had fun.

The Thunderhawk Gunships delivered their cargo of Jump Pack Assault Marines on to the far objectives and they dropped directly into an assault on the Garrison forces of the Traitor Auxiliaries.

The Dark Angels unleashed the Dread Protocols and excelled at this kind of assault, with their special rules negating all of the benefits that the building would normally provide, ensuring that it was taken quickly and with minimal losses.

Meanwhile a Teleport Assault from the Terminators reinforced the center where the masses fire cleaned out more infantry.

The enemy armour proved tough to deal with, but the First Legion infantry held the ground and racked up enough of a lead that we called the game at that point.

I finally made some time to get some more paint on my Legions Imperialis Dark Angels.

I finished an Assault Detachment who have been the star of my games so far.

I also got my Terminators finished and a Detachment of Contemptor Dreadnoughts.

More Dreadnoughts.

It seems like batches of 6 are a good number that I can make progress on around  looking after the kids.

Plasma Support Squad

Another night of teething means another detached of Dark Angels was finished for Legions Imperials.

This time we did the Missile Launchers. Generally, I have been adding them to a Tactical Detachment to have larger “Blobs” of infantry, but they are a good unit to take on their own and to just leave guarding a back field objective without them being completely out of the fight due to their relatively long range for an Infantry unit.

And here’s Renee with the Board Games:

Board Games

Dad and I have now played a few games of Diced Veggies and have been enjoying this light and quick game that arrived with the Maple Valley kickstarter. It has an interesting dice drafting mechanism in which you use a knife to cut dice off the block of dice, but you’re limited to dice on the outside of the block with a total pip value of 10 or less. You’re using the dice to complete recipes for points. Pretty straightforward, but the Hype cards add a nice layer of additional strategy to the game. Hype cards can often be worth as much or more than the recipes themselves but can only be played with a completed recipe when their conditions are met. This could be the total pip value of the dice, requiring certain pip values to appear on the dice or requiring you to discard certain dice. This definitely is what makes this game more interesting, but play without them and you can easily play with younger kids.

Thanks Renee! Well, it was definitely another fun month here at the Sentry Box! Please join us again next month while the staff weighs in on different miniatures and games.