What have the Sentry Box Staff been up to Feb 19 – Mar 17

It’s been a bit of a slower month game wise here at the store, with a lot of people working on bigger projects. But we did have a handful of games. Every Thursday we have Battletech here at the store and Dan got some great pics of that, as well Dan and Chloe started a D&D campaign. There continues to be strong interest in Legions Imperalis and Uncle Mike painted a bunch of terrain for that. Anyway, without further ado, here is what people thought about their projects this month:

Miniature Painting and Games

First Dan shares his thoughts on his D&D campaign with Chloe:

“About a week or 10 days ago, Oliver (8) announced out of the blue that he wanted to play Dungeons & Dragons.

Chloe (staff) and Nick (an Adventurers League DM) graced our table this afternoon for an introductory game of Dragons of Stormwreck Isle, with Chloe running the show and Nick and the rest of us going along for the ride.

Nick, Bree, Oliver and I had a great old time exploring this island, killing some Zombies and exploring a shipwreck. Unfortunately we ran out of time at a high drama moment and will have to pick up where we left off 2 weeks from now. The perfect cliff hanger, and it turns out (who’d have guessed?) that I really enjoy playing the part of a Halfling Rogue.

I can’t wait for round 2!”

Uncle Mike painted some Legions Imperialis terrain for the store. Interest remains strong in Legions Imperialis and now people can come to the store and use this cool terrain that Uncle Mike painted.

Thursday Nights we run our Battletech events. Dan says, “we had 4 GREAT games of Apha Strike on Thursday night, that resulted in Sean owing a customer a Pepsi for completely destroying a Warhammer.

The filthy clanners did filthy clanner things, and a whole pile of fun was had by everyone that dropped by for the demo games on Thursday.”

Looks like everyone had some fun this month!